Sunday, 11 December 2011


Didn’t feel like doing much today, only decorating the Christmas tree and watching Princess Mononoke while it drizzled outside. Now I’m staring at the pot of ivy I got yesterday, imagining it creeping over my room until it becomes a little forest with black birds nesting in between the leaves. I imagined it crawling over me while I was sleeping and rooting me tightly to my bed so that I couldn’t get up in the morning to go to school or turn off my very annoying alarm clock. If that happened I’d have more time to stare at my ceiling, which I never often have much time to do. I got a pot for Nina as well; maybe it will cover her room too…

Yesterday was mostly about getting the Christmas tree as well as Ivy, and I brought along my friend Ruth to help us pick out a good one. But we let the parents get on with that job and instead got lost in the maze of trees; we sat down somewhere secret and sprinkled fake snow over each other, pretending we were in Narnia. An hour later we were back in the boot of the car on each side of our “small” tree, eating orange and chocolate jam and writing unpleasant messages on the window J

But Today isn’t as happy as yesterday. As Nina says, I’m feeling Nostalgic. When allowed to I often dwell too much on my childhood; I want to remember more things and try to relive them, but the memories only come when they want to, so instead I sometimes flick through the old book of nursery rhymes my parents would read to me when I was little. And now I show some of the rhymes to you…

…Funny word, Nostalgic- sounds like nostrils and magic…

-Katie x

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