Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Swanage in Pictures

The last few days I've been staying with Katie and my parents to help Mum with her own project, as well as share a few stolen moments with her sewing machine, and we've been busy bees in this hive-of-activity household. I'm still frantically trying to finish Emma's mum's cushion in time for her birthday, so instead of withdrawing for too long from this here cloud-blog, I'll share with you some photos from our day out on Sunday to the pretty seaside town of Swanage, Dorset.

We could see Old Harry Rocks (with a foggy smear of Bournemouth in the distance)...

...we meandered close to the edge of the world...

...and Katie played matchmaker to ladybirds. The other joined this one above for a...'piggy-back'...shortly after the photo was taken...

...the prettiest of wildflowers seem to exist in the most severe landscapes...

...and we walked alongside the fishermen's boats, near the waters where dolphins are said to be seen.

We also brought our finished owl along with us. Designed by Katie and hand-embroidered on the back by myself.

I will be writing the short story that the above poem (originally a haiku) was inspired by, soon. It is called 'Taxidermy', and it is about a girl who finds a pellet of bone, of the type regurgitated by owls, that keeps growing until it starts to take human form. She takes it to a taxidermist in the small market town where she lives, thinking this lady is the only one who could understand such a strange transformation, and the taxidermist helps aid the broken and deformed bones to take proper shape.
I will be uploading my novel and short stories, bit by bit, soon on figment, as it seems like a suitable home for my fiction. I will let you know as this occurs, but I'll still try and find the time to post extracts here.
It is midnight now; time for sleep...

x Nina x