Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Portwine Rose

I'm back! 
Yes, it's been awhile...but I wanted to bring good tidings...

My book is on Amazon!!!
A friend self-published with Amazon and has been successful thus far, so I thought I'd have a crack at it, and I've finally got it up and running. And who knows, many books coming in to the bookshop where I work have been published because they became a self-publishing sensation. It's fantastic that authors have this new avenue; although I'm a die-hard advocate of the printed page, and don't own an ereader myself, it allows more creative freedom for authors to make a buck out of their passion. 
It really doesn't - I've read self-published books that I've been blown-away by, and a kind editor's assistant gave me feedback on my work, telling me that the story was great and well-written, but unfortunately because it's no Twilight or Hunger Games or amalgamation of the two, it's not commercially viable in the YA market (though I want to stress that this is also an adult book). When genres collide it confuses the sales and marketing department, and they often refuse to take a chance unless it's going to sell sell sell!!!
I've changed the title from the original The Thicket Dwellers to Portwine Rose, and the story is no longer on Figment (though I hadn't even uploaded the whole story anyway); and it's charity shop book-cheap at £1.53 (random US dollar conversion) so please please please download and give it a read. Give an indie author the support! And...if you're feeling really nice, maybe a li'l review?? 
Positive of course, ahem! ;) 
 I haven't blogged in months because I'm writing another story, an older children's fantasy this time, and it's taken a while to formulate a new idea that I'm happy with. I've spent months scrawling ideas down and collaging in my notebook to keep me inspired, but regret the other creative aspects of my life that I've put on hold, like embroidery and writing in my diary (though I'm currently sewing and embroidering a patchwork quilt, albeit slowly). Though I just don't have the time. Alas.
And reading! I haven't been reading half as much as I would like, and I've got so much research to do...

*sneaky peeks in my notebooks*

^^The fountain pen my mum got me for my 10th birthday! It amazes me I've never lost it, and have never stopped writing with it. My most treasured possession^^

And I'm finally going to start reading Harry Potter for the very first time!!!
I know...I can't believe it either! But no aspiring children's fantasy writer in their right mind would even attempt to write a book as such without reading the greats like the above, plus His Dark Materials and The Narnia Chronicles.
Yes. I'm guilty of reading none of the above. Shame. On. Me.
So I better get cracking...
It's nice to be with you all again and thanks for reading.
And speaking of reading...
Love y'all,
Nina x

ps yes that's sister Katie on the cover of the book! :)

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