Tuesday 17 April 2012

Katie's Adventures in London-Land

Last weekend (or maybe the weekend before that) me and Nina traipsed off to London to stay with our bigger sister a couple of days before she moves a little closer to home. It was lovellyyy.. One of the first things we experienced the morning after we arrived (also the morning after trying some really amazing and peculiar cake) was what it feels like to hold a dead robin...

You might think us a little morbid.. But the experience felt somehow poetic. It's inspired me to do another illustration, but it's a work in progress at the mo, so watch this space to see what it could be. But anyway, I hope this robin's gone to birdy heaven, where there are plenty of worms..

Later that day, after all of us doing a little sewing, me and Nina found ourselves in a cute little teashop somewhere in Highgate village. There were roses in vases, tea pots in the shape of cows and lovely illustrations on the walls.. How could we resist? I think we also liked the look of the scrummy cakes for sale, but we were good for once, and instead had equally tasty and slightly healthier savoury tarts.. yummy :)

Afterwards, we trekked all the way from the village to Highgate cemetery, walking through Highgate park to get there, and on our journey we met a squirrel under a cherry tree who just stood and stared at us for ages as if he was begging us to take a photo of him, and Nina obliged him..

We saw the grave of Jeremy Beadle and various others in Highgate, but I'll only show this one photo, because Nina wants to write a post about grave yards soon (can't wait to se it!), and then you can see all that we've been up to in Highgate cemetery :)

-Katie XxX

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